Hey all,

I’ve temporarily removed this post because it involved an app idea, and someone might be doing something with the idea, and if so I don’t want people duplicating effort.

I will make an update at some point in the future with what/if anything is happening with the idea. And this post may return then.

But, Andy, I missed the post. I want to read what it said.

Sorry. It was up for over 24 hours. You know you’re supposed to be sitting at your computer, in your jammies, drinking cocoa and constantly refreshing the page, “Ooooh, I hope the next Jerx post is up! It’s the only thing I look forward to in life.”

Don’t fret. The post is just down temporarily as something may happen with the idea. So either you’ll hear about it again in the future, or it may be back up in a day or two if that thing doesn’t happen.

To make up for this missing post, I’ve pre-googled the phrase “funny picture” for you. Now you can click here and see the results for funny picture. Hope that helps.