Better With The Jerx Finale

The Better With The Jerx contest has wrapped up and I will be determining a winner based on the NY Lotto numbers drawn on Wednesday night. I’ll let the winner know by Thursday. (So if you don’t hear from me by then, you’re out of luck.)

As a reminder, the only way for people to enter the Better With The Jerx contest was to send in some level of proof that they achieved the goal they set out for themselves during the Better With Weber contest. (A goal they made before they knew I was going to be following up on it.) About 250 people entered the Better With Weber contest originally. I figured about 10-20% would enter the Better with the Jerx contest, as it required some more effort. In the end, there were about 93 entries. So about 35%.

Everyone had to provide proof, which I would rate on a scale of 1-10, depending on how convincing it was that they achieved their goal. Each point they received was an entry in the contest. I didn’t give anybody a 10 but there were a lot of 8 and 9s. The average score was about 6.

About half of the goals for the month were magic related. The other half were all over the place. For example:

  • write a book

  • publish an academic paper

  • get in shape

  • learn a language

  • create homeschool curriculum

  • get professional certification

  • write a poem

  • start a podcast

  • reconnect with old friends

  • clear an airstrip of buffalo and horse shit

  • clean the basement

(And how dope is supporter, JN’s, newly cleaned pinball basement?)


As a final wrap-up, here is a little of the film and video proof that came in over the course of the contest…