Dustings #77

Reader K.O. knows what’s up. He got the cover of book #4 tattooed on his arm.

For you pussies who won’t embed it in your skin, you can still get it as a t-shirt here.

Here is the most interesting and terrifying thing I’ve ever read related to AI art. It feels like an urban legend. Or like viral marketing for a Blumhouse horror film. But I’m not going to probe it too much to find out.

Read the story here.

Thanks to FB for the link.

Earlier this week I asked for any advice people might have for a new father trying to stay on top of his magic practice while also tending to an infant. The primary advice I’ve received so far is, “Just wait, it gets better.” So, sorry dad, you’re probably screwed for the time being.

Reader H.G., took it upon himself to pose this question to an AI chat bot to see what it suggested. H.G., was somewhat impressed with the answer. I am… less so. Look, it’s interesting that these AI can come up with a response that sounds like a human wrote it. But the ideas and advice AI comes up with—at this point—are pretty stupid.

So there you have it, new fathers. If you want more time to work on your magic, hire a babysitter, you dope. Why didn’t you think of that? Also—of course!—go to a support group for parents who are also interested in practicing magic (Look for the PWAAIIPM chapter in your area.)