Until June...

Okay everyone, this is the last scheduled post for May. I’m officially implementing the 1st-20th schedule that was supposed to start a few months ago. I know it’s going to be hard without me here holding your hand. But the truth is… you don’t need me anymore. You never needed me. The power was in you all along. Fly! Fly away, my beautiful babies!


Actually, that’s not completely true. There is one more post coming this month. There is going to be a special announcement on this site, this coming Sunday. It’s important. Check for it then.

I really enjoyed today’s video and seeing everything people accomplished last month. Explain this to me: I frequent and support a couple other magic sites that strive to build a “community” but I don’t feel any real connection with them despite regularly scheduled online interactions. But I have a very warm spot in my heart for the Jerx community even though I’ve never met another fan in real life or communicated with one online. —GF

I don’t know the other sites you’re referring to, but the goal of creating a community is sadly almost doomed to fail. A sense of community is something that comes as a byproduct of something else; a specific common goal or pursuit. Just liking something as broad as magic in general is not going to foster a true sense of community.

This site, on the other hand, is not intended to have a broad appeal. There isn’t even a target audience. I just write what I feel like and that connects with a small percentage of people. If you find yourself in that small percentage, then it makes sense you might feel a connection with others in that group, even if you don’t know them. It’s a community of the mind.

It’s like this… if you like hamburgers, you don’t feel a connection to other people who like hamburgers. Lots of people like hamburgers. But if you like cum-based meals, and you hear of other people who do too, then you feel like you’ve found other people on your wavelength. This site is the semen tartare of magic sites.

I’m not trying to build a community here because I don’t think magicians are lacking places online to talk about magic. If I wanted to encourage anything it would be to get magicians off their computers and having more fun performing and experimenting with magic for the people in their real lives.

Friend-of-the-site, Max T., has passed along some Zoom backgrounds for when you’re jamming with magicians. They will have a special place in your heart if you came to magic in the late 90s or so.

First you have your L&L crowd.


Steve Wyrick on World’s Greatest Magic, part way into making a plane appear.


Lance Burton’s classic (?) roller coaster track escape.

And this one, which apparently comes from a video where Michael Ammar teaches rubber band tricks in a swimming pool. I’d never heard of this before. But now it is the only magic video I ever want to see ever again.

By the way. Max is also working on a line of jigsaw puzzles with a magic element. They have an illusion built into them. Here’s the kickstarter. I haven’t bothered to click on that link, but my good sense tells me that magic-related puzzles will be a spectacular failure. So maybe take a look and help a fellow Jerx fan out.

There is a video going around of a magician showing people magic on the streets of New York City in the midst of the coronavirus.

A lot of people are getting on his ass. Not just for his “dull tricks” which are “poorly performed” by someone with “either no personality or a severe mental disability.” But because he is putting himself and others at risk for the sake of street magic, generally considered the lowest of all art forms. (And that includes this one. (Don’t click that.))

Well, I hate to break it to you “geniuses” but actually you’re wrong. His performances aren’t hot dog shit. They’re actually really, really good. AND he’s performing a vital service at the direction of Governor Cuomo himself. That’s right, you critical idiots. Governor Cuomo has asked him to get out there, entertain the people, and spread the word about the coronavirus. He says it over and over. “This is a hot zone.” He’s trying to save lives. Now don’t you feel dumb?

Okay. As I mentioned, I’ll be stopping by this Sunday for an announcement, and then I’ll return to regular posting June 1st.

Issue #3 of the of the newsletter will be with subscribers somewhere around May 31st.

Stay safe. Enjoy the warmer weather.

Bye for now…
