The Jerx Q&A

This is a new feature I’m testing for the site.

You can submit short, simple, magic-related questions and I will pluck some out and give you short, simple, possibly magic-related answers from time to time.

Things to note:

  • Keep it short, you have 150 characters.

  • If I don’t answer your question, it doesn’t mean it was a bad question, or that you’re a bad person who isn’t deserving of love and attention. It just means I didn’t have a good answer for it.

  • The questions will be attributed to anonymous or by the initials you provide. If I let you use a name everyone would just be writing, like, “Why is my weenie so small and stinky? —Joshua Jay” Don’t bother with joke questions. They will be filtered out before I get to them.

  • If you have longer questions or feedback, you are—as always—free to email me. The Q&A form is more for the circumstance where you might have something quick to ask and it saves you from having to put that question in the context of an email asking me how I’m doing and telling me what a genius I am and all of that.

  • The Dear Jerxy-style, long-form reader mail will now be handled in the newsletter.

You can submit your questions below.