GLOMM Charity Auction Continues

I received this email this weekend:

You’ll have to forgive me, but before I bid on an auction promoted by an anonymous person, I’d need some sort of proof that the money is actually going to go to the cause that is supposedly being supported.

Also, I’m not a prude, but I’m not sure having a deck of cards with a penis on the back is such a great thing to include in an auction where the proceeds are theoretically going to support sexual assault victims. But maybe that’s just me. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised given that you’ve used the subject as a source for your “comedy” for some time now. —PS

First off, that’s not a penis squirting white-hot ejaculate on the back of those cards. It’s a mushroom with little fairies dancing around it.

I can’t control your sick, perverted view of things, but don’t blame me for whatever is going on in your twisted mind.

Second, as far as me using the subject of sexual assault as a source for “comedy” that’s kind of a stretch. All that I’m doing is using one of the few things I’m good at (talking trash) to bring attention to an issue. If I wrote a bunch of somber posts about the harm caused by sexual assault, no one would read those posts. So to bring some attention to the issue, when someone gets convicted of a crime, I do roast their ass in my typical writing style. But I don’t do so in a way that diminishes the severity of their crimes, or in a way that is unsympathetic towards their victims. Just in a way that brings attention to them and what they’ve done. If they didn’t want such attention, it’s very easy to avoid. So don’t lecture me about this being a subject not to be joked about. I’m not making light of it. I’m just talking shit about the perpetrators.

And finally, I admit it. You got me. I was going to pocket the money and not really donate it to charity. After 7 years I had finally put my plan into action. But you—you with your keen detective abilities—were able to foil it. I’m so mad!

It was the perfect plan! Just devote 1000s of hours of my life to working on this site. Then, hope for someone to donate something worth auctioning. Conduct my fake auction. And then run off laughing with the money in my hot little hands!

It was foolproof! Until your magnificent brain saw through it all. Agghhh!!!

I guess I’ll have to pivot and conduct a legitimate auction now. THANKS A LOT.

Here’s the deal, whoever wins the auction will not be submitting the money to me. They will be submitting the money directly to RAINN through this link.

Since launching the auction I’ve had a few emails suggesting I create a page so people can make a donation to the cause without having to bid 100s on the auction. So now anyone can donate any amount at that page.

You will still bid on the auction by emailing me. But if you just want to make a straight donation you can to RAINN in the name of the GLOMM you can DONATE HERE.

I really appreciate it.

Finally, thanks to those of you who have already bid on the auction, pushing it up to over $850 at this point.