Dustings of Woofle #24

The ebook was sent out around 5:30pm ET yesterday. See yesterday’s post if you expected to get it but didn’t, or if you have no idea what I’m talking about and you want a copy.

Mac King has always been known for his brilliant comedy magic and his bold sartorial choices. Recently he demonstrated both in a livestream lecture where he wore his GLOMM Elite membership t-shirt.


David Milne, who made the Ostin Clip suggestion in Monday’s post, writes in with this idea, which I think would be a pretty impressive video chat effect. Below is his write-up.

So, you’ve done the prediction using the Ostin Clip. They liked it, and a couple of days later you’re on another Skype call. They’re wondering if you’re going to do a follow up? The clip isn’t there but there’s a small thin parcel (about the size of a folded over playing card). You ask them to think of a drink, but nothing fizzy. You asked them why they chose that drink, and then calmly produce it out of the impossibly thin package.

This is a reworking of Eugene Burger’s shot glass surprise (you can find it in his Chicago Visions and From Beyond). You have eight different liquids, packaged up in shot glasses in front of you. [“In front of you” off camera, he means.]

1. Tea (works also as whisky)
2. Coffee with milk (also works as tea with milk)
3. Orange juice (covers mango juice)
4. Water (works as gin & vodka - just have a lemon ready to put on the side)
5. Red wine
6. White wine
7. Tomato juice
8. Milk

I use 5” Qualatex balloons with their ends cut off, but if you’ve got someone working with you, you can have the drinks on a separate table with no pre-prepping and a virtually unlimited possibility of drinks!


So it’s a shot glass production combined with an Any Drink Called For premise. That would be hard to do in person, but over webcam it seems very doable.

Good job, guys.
