The Artist Distracted in the Wild

4.3+ million likes (not just views, but likes) on this Instagram post of a magician in the wild performing in the Artist Distracted style. (The Artist Distracted is a variation on the Distracted Artist style. In this style the magician is in his own world, focused on the trick and not those around him.)

How many likes would this trick have if he was performing for the camera. “Hi everyone. I’ve got a little miracle I’d like to show you with just a simple piece of tissue. Nothing more, nothing less.” Like two dozen, maybe?

This video is just one example. And the Artist Distracted is just one style you can do this with. The broader point goes to what I’ve been writing about for 7 years. The more you remove the trappings of a “performance,” the stronger your magic is (in casual settings) The memorized patter, the highly “routined” tricks, the scripted jokes, the close-up mat, and so on. All of this stuff undermines your ability to create something “magical.”

—Thanks to Nick S. for the link.