
Here is the schedule for the rest of this season of The Jerx.

Normal Monday, Wednesday, Friday posting will continue except for the week between Christmas and New Years when I'll be taking my winter break.

Dec. 6th - Issue #11 of The JAMM will be released.

End of Dec./Begin of Jan. - The Jerx deck will be shipped out to those who are set to receive it.

Jan. 6th - Issue #12 of The JAMM will be released.

Jan. 8th - Will be the final post for this season.

That week an email will go out to Jerx 2017 supporters to see if they'd like another year of the site. If there's interest in keeping it going, this site will commence Season 3 around the end of January. If not, you can come visit me as I fellate gentlemen in the restroom of the Port Authority bus terminal in Manhattan. See, I told you, my income isn't dependent on this site. I'm fine either way!