
One year I predicted the score of the Super Bowl for my friends at a Super Bowl party. I just used a variation of a headline prediction. It went well. They were generally impressed. But I've spoiled myself. Things "going well" and people being "generally impressed," is not really a win in my book. You see, it was a situation where some people were celebrating the outcome of the game and some people were bummed out about it. So to come in and be like, "Now let's see if my prediction was correct!" that didn't feel as natural as I like this sort of thing to be. When you think about it in your head you think, "Oh, this will be a cool climax for the night." But for the people who are really into the event/occasion, they're not really looking for you to "top" the evening for them.

That's why, as I wrote yesterday, you need to put thought into if injecting yourself into a special occasion is a good idea or not.

But there's something I didn't mention yesterday that you should also consider.

At a Super Bowl party the following year I performed a handful of tricks for people who were completely fascinated and really into it. I forget exactly what I did. I know I predicted the number of corn chips someone would take from a bowl (a la the Trick that Fooled Einstein). They were delighted by this nonsense.

Why did it go so well that year? Well, because I was performing for people at the event who didn't want to be there. I was showing stuff to significant others of the sports fans watching the game in the other room. They gave me their full attention and were totally happy for the distraction. 

This subset exists at almost every special occasion you can think of. Some people who got dragged to a party or some other function. Someone at a wedding who knows the bride and groom but literally no one else, and isn't particularly social. If you're really looking for more opportunities to perform, seek out these people. They're at the special event, but they actually fall into the first category mentioned yesterday. They're somewhere they don't necessarily want to be and they're looking for something to pass the time.

I try to have my eye out for these people in general. I recommend it. I've met a lot of great people (who are just maybe shy or not very social) by going up to someone standing alone at a party or a bar, stirring their drink and looking around. You are almost a hero to these people. You've saved them. And if you turn the conversation to magic they will prove to be a completely captive audience. And even if you don't, you've maybe made a new friend, or at least helped out a fellow human by reaching out to them when they were feeling alone or uncomfortable. That's no small thing.

Choose Your Spots - The Three Types of Situations Where You Should Perform Magic

This was originally a tangent in my post from last Friday, but I think it's important enough to excise it and make it its own post. In fact, knowing when to perform is one of the more critical aspects of being an amateur performer. Misreading the situation and thinking, "Ah, this place could use a little of me and my wizardry!" when it's not the right time will make you come off as a total weirdo. Even if your material is strong.

So when should you perform?

I wrote in The Amateur at the Kitchen Table that amateur magic "can add color to dull grey situations, or amplify the joy of happy times."

In accordance with that, I like to perform in situations that occupy those opposite ends of the spectrum:

  1. I like to perform during the lulls in life: waiting for food at a restaurant, in line to ride a roller coaster, after dinner, around a campfire, waiting for a bus, during some downtime at a business function, in a bar or cafe when conversation has died, post-coitus. I think magic is perfect for these moments.
  2.  I also like to perform magic during special occasions: holidays, weddings, circumcisions (I restore the foreskin), parties, dates, mid-coitus.

We'll get to the third situation in a moment, but first, let's examine these two:

1. During Dull Moments

This one is easy. During the dull moments in life, people will welcome a trick, even if it's done artlessly. It's next to impossible to fuck this up. When people are truly bored they'll give their focus to anything. Just like when people are truly starving they'll eat pretty much anything.

I'm not saying you should perform magic that is the equivalent of empty calories, I'm just saying you don't have to worry too much about whether what you're going to perform is perfect for the moment or if it will be accepted or seem strange because, in these circumstances, people are pretty undiscriminating. They're hungry.

2. During Special Occasions

To pause a special occasion, where people are already engaged in a joyful experience, to show them a trick...that requires a fairly deft touch.

You really need to approach this with the "audience-centric" approach in mind. Audience-centric magic, by definition, is magic that enhances people's experience. And I can say that's true "by definition" because I made up the goddamn term.

If you're shifting focus to yourself—if you're attitude is, "Hey everybody, gather round, eyes on me"—that's almost guaranteed to be a magician-centric performance that will come off as awkward, at the very least. (It's different if you've been hired to perform. But that's not what I'm talking about here.) Magicians think, "Well, my Ambitious Card routine is good and it fools people, so if I perform it here at this baby shower, it will make the baby shower better." No. That's not how things work. Imagine a ventriloquist pulls out his dummy and draws attention to himself at some event. Even if he's very good, we can all understand that might actually detract from the occasion and not add to it. Well, magic is no different.

Now, obviously there's a big difference between a wedding reception, a normal party, or sitting around the table after Christmas dinner. These are all "special occasions," but the extent to which it might be appropriate to steer people into a magic performance is different for each. However, the same basic rule applies: Only perform if it's going to heighten the experience. Don't interrupt a good time. 

I know someone who once took the mic at a wedding reception to show the bride and groom Anniversary Waltz. The trick went well. It got an okay reaction. But he wasn't asked to perform. This was just his addition to the proceedings. And it felt awkward. He was adding a new element to the day, but it just sidetracked the experience people were already enjoying. His argument would surely be, "Yeah, but the trick is about them and their connection." Yeah, kinda. But if you haven't been specifically asked to show them something it can sure as hell feel like you're interjecting yourself into the day to show people a card trick. 

As I said, it takes a certain level of social awareness that many don't possess to determine if it's a good idea to perform at an already special occasion. A good rule of thumb is this: Could you do this same trick tomorrow, for different people at a Burger King? If the answer is yes, then it probably doesn't warrant injecting yourself into the moment. If, on the other hand, you have a trick that requires specific circumstances (it needs to be done for these particular people, in this particular location, during this particular activity) and those needs are met by the situation you're in, you likely have something that will feel relevant to the special occasion and will add to the experience of those who witness it.

Finally, here is the third situation I feel you should perform in.

When They Ask For It

One of the biggest and earliest indicators to me that I didn't fit in with magicians and that they're not "my people" was when I would hear some say, "Don't perform when asked." Their justification was that it would devalue the experience if it was done on request—that it would make it seem less special. 

I guess that's true if you're dumb enough to immediately launch into your close-up set at the first provocation, but no one is suggesting that. 

Here's what I do when someone asks me to show them something. I immediately say sure. I then pause as if I'm having second thoughts. "Actually... I don't have anything on me. Maybe tomorrow I could bring something." I want to momentarily play into their suspicion that I need some special circumstances or magic props to perform. I then reverse my position again. "Hmmm... you know, we could try something... do you have any change?" I then go into something that feels genuinely spontaneous and of the moment. My tentativeness seem legitimate because I didn't initiate the performance myself. (They don't know I've practiced it 100 times and have been carrying around a gimmick in my pocket just for this opportunity.) There's a little bit of an emotional push and pull to the moment—will or won't it happen. This is interesting to people. And in the end, when something (hopefully) amazing happens, I look good, the spectator gets what they want, and it's good for magic. It's a win for everyone.

The alternative? "Oh, you do magic? Can I see something." 

"No, maybe some other time."

What's the point of that? Maybe you come back later and blow them away. But then they think you had to prep for it. You look worse. You don't give them what they want in the moment. And the magic feels less spontaneous and exciting.

And this was the common wisdom in the magic community. That's how backwards they are.

I have a feeling this started with a bunch of professional magicians who didn't quite get the response they wanted when they didn't have the structure of a formal show propping them up. So instead they justified the idea of not performing in social situations when people asked as if it was somehow the more righteous path. In reality, it's just the magician-centric way of thinking. The only reason not to perform when asked is because you get off on withholding.

You don't get it, Andy. I'm a professional. Does a dentist clean teeth at a party when someone asks her to?

Oh, get off it. You're not a dentist. You're (supposedly) an entertainer. No one is telling you to "do your job" in social situations. But you can certainly utilize your skills to give people a quick enjoyable moment. Doing a little something to bring joy to people around you shouldn't be some huge burden. That should be your default way of going through life

In my opinion, as an amateur, If you only perform magic in one circumstance, it should be when you're asked. 

Putting It All Together

These may seem like three separate circumstances, but I really see them as part of the larger whole of a cohesive approach to performing amateur magic. 

1. You start by performing tricks in low-key situations. During the "dull" moments when almost anything would be appreciated. But you don't do "just anything." You hit people with really strong little moments that are visually or emotionally resonant and stick with them.

2. This leads people to ask you to perform more regularly. Even when there's netflix to watch or a party going on. If you've established what you do has its own merits (and isn't just good for filling dead time), they'll ask to see something more frequently.

3. If you continue to gain a reputation for curating interesting experiences, then, when special occasions occur, people will be more on board to take a little detour because they know you wouldn't waste their time with something meaningless or self-indulgent. The awkwardness will be gone.

But even more importantly, once people have truly bought into your performance as being worth their attention, you can have them set aside time in advance. "I have something interesting I want to try next Thursday. Do you want to come over for dinner then and give me a hand with it?"

This is the culmination of performing strong magic in the situations described above. Not only can you use magic to enhance an already special occasion, you can use it to turn an ordinary evening into a special occasion. The best magic performances are not just an adjunct to the experience, they are the experience.

Coming In JAMM #8

From: Nurse Andy's First Trick in JAMM #8

What I’ve been trying to do recently is apply these two ideas to all the classic effects I know: Card in Pocket, Ambitious Card, Triumph, etc. Any card effect I’ve ever used on a somewhat regular basis in impromptu situations, I’m trying to find the presentation that both points to a greater concept and does so in a way that the effect feels like a manifestation of that concept.

I've found this allows me to create a greater impact from more immersive effects even in impromptu situations.

What follows is the result of applying these techniques to Doc Daley’s Last Trick.

Nurse Andy's First Trick (a name that will likely change) is my current favorite impromptu card effect. It takes the concentrated moment of astonishment in Doc Daley's Last Trick and allows it to reverberate for much longer. Sometimes, literally, months into the future.

Subscribe to the JAMM here

Gardyloo #31

This guy currently has 16 million views on this video where he decided to sneeze rather than snap his fingers to make the magic happen. 

Of course, I've been harping on the idea that doing anything else is better than snapping your fingers. See, you dum-dums? I know what I'm talking about.

And yes, you're welcome, for your 16 million views, Neil Henry.

And thank you for acknowledging where you got the idea.

Oh, please. You're too kind. Yes, it's me. I'm "whoever wrote that." I'm that "someone" on "one of the magic sites." With all those 100s of magic blogs, I can understand why this one wasn't on the tip of your tongue. Maybe if I get you 17 million views you'll remember where you got the inspiration next time.

I'm just busting your balls. I don't give a shit. I like your video. And I don't want some corny facebook people traipsing around my beloved site anyway. There's too much riff-raff here already.

(And to be fair, while this guy's magic videos haven't really gone viral in the past, he does have one video where he "pranks" people by throwing a fake snake at them which has over 100 million views. A grand artistic achievement on his part.)

It amazes me that people will destroy their Expert at the Card Table for essentially worthless Jerx Point. Not that I don't think it's a fair trade (the book is "essentially worthless" as well), but just because now we know there are roving bands of magic tough-guys who will murder you for daring to defile that classic tome. It happened to Daniel Madison, it can happen to you. 

So yes, feel free to destroy your copy. But just know you'll make their shit-list, and then you're on their hit-list. 

Here's are two soon-to-be dead readers who recently destroyed copies of The Expert at the Card Table.

This next guy incorporated the poem from the advertisement for the 1979 movie Magic in his destruction. A nice touch. That poem ends with, "Magic is fun, we're dead." This will be all too appropriate when he ends up getting murdered for making this.

Here's a color change that's fun to play around with. It's just a combination of a couple existing principles, so I wouldn't be surprised if this has been done before, but I've never seen it and it caught me off guard when I saw my friend do it. It looked like he just tossed a face up card across the table and it changed along the way.

It's just a combination of the twirl change (or whatever you want to call it) and whatever the hell it's called where you disguise a card amongst the backs of other cards. The camouflage principle? Whatever it is. (That's as close as I can come to crediting this thing.)

Here he is doing it. I guess you can "see" it if you know what's coming, but as I said, the first time I saw it, not knowing what to expect, it looked like it just changed as it slid across the table.

So you'd have a card selected. You shuffle and keep track of it until you have it near the middle of the deck with a break one card above it. Take off a few cards at a time from the top of the deck. Weigh them in your hand like you're sensing if their card is amongst them. Then discard them onto the table in a messy layer.

When you get to the card above the break, announce that you have it, turn it over. As you do, get a break under the selection. When they tell you you're wrong, lift the double, twirl and throw.

If you're in the path of today's eclipse and you're looking for a good effect to go along with it, I recommend this. Get your friend to stand facing the sun. Then stand in front of him or her, blocking the sun with your hands. This all happens before the start of the eclipse. For the next 75 minutes or so, act like you're fiddling around with the sun with your hands. Don't let them move from where they are. Tell them you're pulling the sun from the sky. Once it's a total eclipse, turn to them and activate the D'lite on your thumb (oh, you have a D'lite on your thumb). Then do something cool and sexy with it like this.


For the rest of your life the story will be told of the time you removed the sun from the sky and put it in your fucking ear, like some sort of retarded god.

Now spend the next 75 minutes putting the sun back in the sky to keep up the charade. 

Sky Imps

This is a strange post for me because I'm writing it just after midnight on Friday night (morning? whatever), just hours before I'll post it. That's why this is likely late showing up for you. Usually the posts that aren't directly related to something happening in the world of magic are things I've considered for quite a while. But in this case, about 5 minutes ago I thought to myself, "Oh, I should write a post on that." And when I was figuring out when I should write it, I realized it pretty much had to be for today's post to be of most use.

On Monday, in much of North America, people will see a total eclipse, or a significant partial eclipse, of the sun. (Or so they say. (I'm a flat-earther.))

This is an excellent opportunity to do something.

Now, look, if you're with someone who is already psyched about the eclipse, then maybe you don't need to interject yourself and your nonsense into their experience. But the nice thing about an eclipse is that it goes on for hours, so even with a real eclipse-nut, you're bound to have some downtime where you might be able to squeeze something in.

But in these types of situations I actually prefer to perform for people who are only casually interested in what's happening. That way you can elevate something that might not have had much meaning to them into a more interesting experience. 

Cosmic, celestial, sky-based imps (see the glossary if you're new here) are some of my favorite ways to get into tricks. The sky, in all its vastness, is already a kind magical/mysterious entity. It's where Jesus and the Jetsons live. And space just stretches on and on in a way we can't wrap our heads around. So it feels almost natural that these things might lead to some strange or magical experiences.

Here are some of the Sky Imps I've used:

  • Full moons
  • New moons
  • Blue moons
  • Solstices
  • Equinoxes
  • When planets reach their greatest eastern elongation (when they're at the highest point the reach in the night sky)
  • Supermoons
  • Manhattanhenge
  • When the moon occults a planet (that is, the planet gets blocked from view by the moon)

Essentially anything that happens in the sky I can co-opt as the impetus behind some magic trick.

Just google skywatching events and you'll find plenty of opportunities. Obviously the rarer the event is, the more "weight" it will have as a magical impetus. And that's why the eclipse is such a great opportunity. The last full eclipse we had in the US was almost 40 years ago. 

But it doesn't have to be Halley's comet or something to be interesting to people. 

You get a full moon every month. But there's only one October full moon a year (usually). So maybe it's just the October full moon that possesses the trait you need (hence it's more rare than just any full moon). "Native Americans used to call this the Full Hunter's Moon. They also called it the Blood Moon. And there's this old ceremony they used to conduct...." People eat this up. I eat it up too. I love the Native American names for the full moons. Or anything else named in the sky. Spend an hour of your life learning some constellations and star names. I find people are more interested in these things than you or they would think they'd be. 

That's maybe another post for another day.

So what tricks do I tie these Imps to?

Well, you have to be smart about it. You want some ethereal connection to make sense. You don't want to be like, "You know, every time there's a blue moon... I can do a perfect center deal!" 

I have something planned for the eclipse, but it's a more personal sort of thing. I may write it up after it happens, but it all depends.

In general, though, these are the types of tricks I like to connect to the skies above.

1. Levitations - The idea that there might be some gravitational or energy weirdness during some celestial event makes sense. ("Makes sense" in the storybook world of magic, I mean.)

2. Extreme Balance - Something like Patrick Snowden's Tensegrity, Joshua Jay's Balance, or Eric Ross' Balanced. You may have heard the idea that on the equinoxes you can balance an egg on its end. This is just taking that idea to the extreme.

3. Spectator as magician - For example, "There are people who believe that when Mercury is at its peak, people have stronger intuitive abilities than usual."

4. Tricks with a fortune telling element - Lots of dumb people already think that the stars have some effect on their life so to imply that during some star/planet configurations you can get some extra insight into someone's life, I think that makes sense. One of my favorite things to do is the Spectator Cuts Their Future effect from JV1. This is one of the effects that uses the book itself as a prop. It's especially fun for me because I wrote the damn book and my friends have no clue about that (or that this site even exists, for that matter).

A couple final tips about Sky Imps. 

First, I like to give the person or people I'm performing for a heads-up a week or two in advance. So I'll be like, "Hey, I want to stop by next Monday. There's something I want to try." I may even mention the event in advance. ("There's a new moon on Monday. And a fire dance through the night. Just like Duran Duran predicted!") Establishing you want to try something well in advance gives credence to the idea it had to be done during that specific event. Or else why would you have waited?

Second, it's a good idea to have it fail once. So, if you're trying to balance something, give it a shot and have it fail and then be like, "Hmm... l'll try again in 20 minutes or so. The alignment between earth and Jupiter might be more symmetrical then." (Or whatever BS you're peddling.)

These are both basic Smear Technique type things to push the experience of the effect beyond the boundaries of the trick itself.

It's well past my bedtime. Lights out.

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Cluster-F at MAGIC Live

Can't believe I once called him "the platonic ideal of a magic lecturer." I still feel sick about this whole thing. It ruined MAGIC Live for me, to be honest.


No post today. Instead I will be live-tweeting a secret lecture that Joshua Jay will be conducting at MAGIC Live. It starts at 2pm Vegas time, 5pm New York time. I've finagled a seat for myself at this ultra-secret lecture and I look forward to letting you know all the juicy tidbits he shares.

And if you're thinking this is just some way for me to make a series of jokes at Josh's expense, and imply he's secretly in a romantic relationship with Andi Gladwin, how dare you suggest such a thing. Now, look, if that's the sort of information that comes out of this lecture, then so be it. But to imply that's my intention?! Wow...that's actually kind of offensive.