Coming Tomorrow Night

It's back to school time, which mean it's time for the professor.


And here is our JAMM Muse for September, Gibson.


I don't care what my dumb parents said. Dai, had the right idea. Smoking is cool!


Gibson said, "Oh, I know a trick!". What a surprise when it turned out to be Any Man Behind Any Curtain from the JAMM #5.


And somehow she performed it on a rotary phone! She's unbelievable.

It took two packs of bubble gum cigarettes before finding a couple with some good powdered sugar smoke puffs. Step it up bubble gum cigarette manufacturers! Take pride in your work. Don't think I won't swoop in and take over the bubble gum cigarette industry. I'll do it! That's an $1800 a year business worldwide!


The JAMM #8 is coming to your email late tomorrow night, NYC time. If you place your subscription before then, it will start with this issue (otherwise it will start with the October issue).