UPDATED: Sweet Christ, Someone Actually Did It

From the June 19th post about Jerx Points:

"A GLOMM tattoo. With video proof. You're an idiot - 100 points"

Well, folks, it's been done. 

Courtesy of Jean-Thomas Sexton, the very first GLOMM tattoo.

It's time to step your game up, Jerx point collectors. I look forward to seeing future tattoos. A full back piece. Your forehead. Your scrotum. Keep them coming.

There should always be at least one unobtained Jerx point goal to keep everyone hungry. So I've added the following:

Name your child "Glomm" - 150 Jerx Points.

UPDATE: I've been asked if the 100 Jerx Points are still on the table for tattoos. Yes, absolutely. Also, if you want to go the tattoo route to 150 Jerx Points, here's how you do it (you must document everything on video). First, go and get a Magic Cafe tattoo. Wait for it to heal. Next, go back to the tattoo shop and tell them how embarrassed and ashamed you are of your tattoo and ask to get it covered up with a swastika.

UPDATE 2: Jerx Points don’t exist anymore.