Dustings #50

I can’t believe we just passed the 20th anniversary of 9/11. I didn’t mention it on the blog earlier because it just seems so difficult to really capture the importance and the horror of that day while still honoring all the people who lost their lives during the attack.

I heard a lot of religious and political leaders commemorating the anniversary, but their remarks sort of left me feeling hollow. They didn’t really seem to understand the gravity of that day. Or perhaps it’s just the case that there’s nothing you can say or do that really approaches the significance of that event.

In fact, there is only really one tribute I’ve ever seen that adequately addresses everything that happened that day, and goes some way in consoling humanity for everything we lost.

And that tribute is when—for the month of September—the Magic Cafe puts this at the top of their homepage.


Wow. Powerful stuff.

I know a woman who was 12 years old at the time of the attacks. She lost both her parents when the towers collapsed. She told me, “Andy… of course I’ll never be happy my parents died that day. But that stunning memorial gif goes a long way to filling the hole in my heart that they left.”

Thank you, Magic Cafe, for doing so much to heal our crippled nation.

Perhaps the only other tribute that would be as moving as that gif is if you created a solemn version of this emoticon…


where—instead of dancing—the dots are reflecting in quiet dignity on the lives lost that day.

Daniel Rumanos has been kicked out of the GLOMM.

Daniel is a magician, writer of dull science fiction, and a “pro-contact pedohebephile.”

This means he’s into girls aged 11-14. And no, he’s not tortured by these desires. He’s proud of them!

You can read more about Daniel at this site. I especially enjoy the page of deleted tweets which includes this gem.

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You’re damn near braindead when your justification is, “No, no. I don’t just want to fuck a 12-year-old. I want to be in a relationship with one!” Uhm, bad news, that makes you more fucked up. Do I #KnowTheDifference? Hmmm… let me see if i can figure this out. Well, I can at least understand the sexual desire as some misguided biological instinct. Indulging that instinct makes you evil. But wanting to be in a relationship with a 12-year-old makes you evil and fucking pathetic. Generally you’d want a relationship to be with someone who is at least close to being an intellectual equal. If you want to talk about Minecraft or how hard it is to multiply fractions, then I understand why you might want to be in a “relationship” with a 12-year-old. But for a normal adult male with half a brain in his skull, that sounds like a nightmare. So yeah… I mean… I guess I “know the difference.” Although I’m not sure, “Hey, I’m not just a pervert. I’m also a moron!” is quite the defense you were hoping it was.

Here’s another great tweet. He definitely thought he had a really salient point here…

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Okay, let’s give that a shot.

“I don’t think pedophiles should rape children.”

Aha! But would I ever say, “I don’t think Jews should rape children”?

Hmmm… yeah, actually that’s a perfectly reasonable sentence too. It’s like a Mad Lib, you can fill that sentence with literally any group of people and it still rings true.

If you find it funny when dumb people speak with conviction, I encourage you to check out more of Daniel’s thoughts and writing at the site above. It’s a gold mine.

The Wit and Wisdom of the Jay Brothers

Joshua Jay


“Henning Nelms said that if you could make a sandwich appear in a hungry man’s pocket, that would be a very powerful trick because it would be magic with meaning.”

Fat Joshua Jay


“I always carry a sandwich in my pants. And I fill my watch-pocket with ranch for dipping.”