For Everyone

For Book Buyers

The Digital Appendix is now live. See the “Final Book Info” email for more details on that.

For Non-Book Buyers

I received a bunch of emails this weekend from new readers who want to pick up the second book after hearing something about MFYL elsewhere online. Unfortunately, other than maybe a couple stragglers, the books are all spoken for. If you’re new here, I’m not a book publisher. I write this site. People who like it support the site. In turn they get rewards at the end of each season. This year, one of the rewards was the book. But no, there won’t be a second edition or an ebook or anything like that. That would ultimately undermine the investment of the people who supported the site. I realize that’s kind of annoying, but I haven’t hit on a better system yet.

For Non-Fans

I received a few emails this weekend asking what I thought about some negative comments about this site on a message board. My response was, “huh?” The truth is, I don’t read a single thing about this site, positive or negative unless the person writes it to me directly. This isn’t because I see it as a one-sided conversation, it’s the opposite. If people have something worthwhile to say, I want them to get in touch. I can’t be chasing down shit written all over the internet. I just assume if someone is going out of their way to read something they don’t like and then write about it somewhere else, then their goal is probably not to discuss whatever issue they’re pretending to have, or else they would have come to the source.

Here’s the thing… The Jerx has been responsible for me working with or corresponding with 90+% of the magicians I admire in the world today. I have a waiting list of people who want to support the site. I receive emails every day from people with embarrassingly nice things to say. This site is pretty much a source of pure delight for me. Someone on a message board has an issue? I can’t even pretend to give a shit.

For Fans