Sneak Preview of the Next Book

Okay, what the hell. I said last week that I wouldn’t give more information about the next book, but I’ve changed my mind and decided to give you all a sneak peek at the material in book number six.

I hope supporters won’t be too mad that I’m sharing these gems with the leeches who just read and don’t support, but these little babies are too good to keep to myself.

I had a tough time coming up with a name for this first trick, but I’m sure you’ll agree that what I settled on is accurate.

I guess I could have also called it “Fun With A Sheep’s Bladder.”

This is less of a magic trick and more of a lifehack.

This is, actually, the only way I measure anything at all.

In fact, it’s how I identified and measured the trees I needed to construct my new log cabin.

Since this write-up I’ve actually made an interesting discovery: burning almost anything will change its color. Keep that in mind.

I was going to save this one for my book of tricks to attract women, but decided to let it slip early.

You asked for it, readers, and I delivered: a practical pun.

This would be great to do on Fool Us.

Finally! Something to do with the galls and copperas rattling around the bottom of your old magic drawer.

And last but not least, the trick that gives the next book its name…